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CHECK IT OUT:  Even charcuterie has a PAST--find out where charcuterie came from.

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Culture & Travel, In the Kitchen

The Saga of Bacon: A Tale of Salt, Smoke, and Sizzle Across Time and Cultures

Bacon is loved and hated throughout the world. Some cultures forbid their followers to have bacon, like a forbidden fruit. Still, bacon is indulged in almost every culture in the world. 

In modern times it has become a villain of the anti-meat crowd likening it to cigarettes, those sticks of death so vilified. But how did it get this reputation for evil. That is a long and sordid history that will have to wait for another day.  From the scare of the evil saturated fat to the nitrate demons, this tale deserves it's own telling.  Keep your eye out for continuing saga.

In the grand parade of history, bacon has marched with quiet authority, winning hearts and conquering palates without the need for trumpets or banners. Its journey is long and winding, stretching back through the dim mists of time, across continents and cultures, settling itself snugly into the very fabric of our kitchens and hearts.

Acient hieroglyphs

The Ancient, Salty Beginnings

Long before bacon became the crispy indulgence we know today, it was a necessity—a means of survival, a way to eke out sustenance when winter's icy grip tightened on the land. It all began in ancient China, some three and a half millennia ago, where ingenious villagers discovered the magic of salt. They took slabs of pork belly and rubbed them with salt, hanging them to cure in the dry air. This humble preservation method would ripple out through history, much like the rings in a pond when a stone is cast, reaching the far corners of the earth.

Ancient Chinese village

Ancient Chinese village

As the idea of salting and curing pork spread, it found new adherents in the Roman Empire, where soldiers and peasants alike found solace in the chewy, salty strips of pork belly. They called it "petaso," a word that somehow sounds both savory and ancient, like the crackle of a campfire in a forgotten forest.

The British and Their Bacon

By the Middle Ages, bacon had woven itself deeply into the fabric of English life. It was the food of the common folk—the ones who toiled in fields and barns, who knew the value of a warm, hearty meal at the end of a day’s hard work. The pigs roamed freely, foraging for their meals, and their meat—when salted and smoked—became a staple in every household. In the chilly English countryside, there was no greater treasure than a well-cured side of bacon hanging in the smokehouse, ready to fortify the spirit against the biting cold.


Pig roaming the village

The phrase "bringing home the bacon" emerged from these very hills and valleys. It wasn’t just a bit of quaint talk; it was a literal expression of well-being. To bring home the bacon was to bring home sustenance, security, and even a little prosperity.

Smokehouse:  Where the magic happens in the flavor

Smokehouse: Where the magic happens

Across the Sea to the New World

When the early settlers crossed the Atlantic, they carried with them not just hope but also pigs—the living embodiment of future bacon. And so, the pigs came rooting and snuffling through the underbrush of the New World, their destiny tightly intertwined with the human hands that fed them. In the smokehouses of early America, bacon took on a new life. No longer just a means of preservation, it became a symbol of self-sufficiency, of the ability to carve out a living from the wild, untamed land.

Before the mass exodus from the country to the cities in the early 20th century with all it's promise of prosperity and sophistication, pigs were common place in back yard and on small farms as the consumer of all things not ate at the table.  Pigs were the ultimate recyclers.

Frontier village

Frontier Life

Fast forward to the early 20th century, when bacon underwent yet another transformation. Enterprising butchers like Oscar Mayer saw the potential in pre-sliced, neatly packaged bacon—a convenience for the busy modern family. Thus began the era of mass-produced bacon, where it moved from farmhouse kitchens to grocery store shelves, becoming a quintessential part of the American experience.

Modern bacon

Modern Cured Bacon

Bacon Around the World: A Flavorful Journey

From continent to continent, bacon has traveled, adapted, and thrived, finding its place in the hearts of diverse cultures. And yet, despite its universality, bacon is anything but uniform. Let us wander now, with eyes wide and nostrils flaring, through the rich tapestry of bacon’s cultural journey.

  1. The United Kingdom and Ireland
    Ah, the "Full English" and "Full Irish" breakfasts—meals that could revive even the most weary soul. Here, bacon is a bit thicker, a bit more robust, cut from the loin rather than the belly, and affectionately known as "rashers." It doesn’t merely accompany the meal; it anchors it. Eggs, sausages, mushrooms, and tomatoes may jostle for attention, but it is the bacon that brings a warmth, a familiarity, a sense of belonging to the plate.

  2. United States
    In the grand melting pot of American culture, bacon has become a symbol of indulgence. It is the crispy, streaky kind, marbled with fat, cooked to a shattering crunch. It’s draped over burgers, crumbled onto salads, and even sprinkled atop donuts. The American relationship with bacon is one of creativity and excess—a love affair that knows no bounds.
  1. Japan
    In Japan, bacon takes on a more refined character, often less crisp and more delicate. It finds itself wrapped around enoki mushrooms, simmering in savory broths, or making unexpected appearances in fusion sushi. Japanese bacon is an elegant companion, never overpowering but always enhancing the flavors around it.
  1. Italy
    Italy, the land of love and food, offers up "pancetta," the gentle cousin of bacon. Rolled and seasoned with spices, it is not smoked but cured. Here, bacon is about subtlety, about layering flavor upon flavor in dishes like pasta carbonara, where the pancetta does a slow dance with eggs, cheese, and pepper, creating something greater than the sum of its parts.

  2. Korea
    In Korea, bacon—or "samgyeopsal"—takes center stage at the barbecue table. It is thick and hearty, grilled over open flames, served with garlic, kimchi, and a good dose of camaraderie. This is bacon as a social experience, a moment to share and savor with friends and family.
Bacon Around the world

Bacon around the world

Mastering the Art of the Perfect Bacon

The methods for cooking bacon are as varied as the paths of the rivers that crisscross the earth. Here are five tried-and-true ways to reach that crispy, salty perfection:

  1. The Pan-Fried Classic
    Start cold—always start cold. Lay the bacon in a cold skillet and let the heat rise gently. Watch as the fat slowly renders out, bubbling and popping, turning each strip into a masterpiece of crisp and chew. Patience is key; flip, but not too often. When done, let it rest on a bed of paper towels like a tired warrior after battle.

  2. The Oven-Baked Method
    For those who prefer a more even cook, the oven is your ally. Lay the strips on a parchment-lined tray, slide it into a 400°F oven, and let time work its magic. In 15-20 minutes, you’ll have golden strips, crisp and perfect, without the mess of the stovetop.

  3. Air-Fryer Adventure
    In our modern age of gadgets and gizmos, the air fryer has its place. Hot air swirls around each piece, rendering fat and crisping the edges without the need for added oil. It’s quick, clean, and oh-so-satisfying.

  4. Microwave for the Quick Fix
    When time is of the essence, the microwave steps in. Layer your bacon between sheets of paper towels, zap it for a few minutes, and voilà! It’s not quite the artisanal experience, but it’ll do in a pinch.

  5. Grilled for Smoky Perfection
    For the true outdoorsman or woman, bacon on the grill is a thing of beauty. Lay it on a grate or a grilling mat, watch it sizzle over the open flames, and let the smoke infuse every strip with a depth that speaks of campfires and wide-open skies.

Bacon in the Modern Era: A New Renaissance

Today, bacon has stepped beyond the breakfast plate and into a world of endless possibilities. It has found its way into every nook and cranny of the culinary landscape, becoming a muse for chefs and home cooks alike. There’s bacon jam—sweet and savory, slathered on burgers or crostini, chocolate covered bacon, bacon wrapped scallops or pretty much anything. There are bacon cocktails, where the smoky flavor adds a surprising twist to a Bloody Mary. Even bacon ice cream—yes, bacon ice cream!—has made an appearance, challenging our notions of sweet and savory.

bacon renaissance

Bacon and its many uses

Bacon is more than just a food; it is a thread woven through the human experience, a flavor that speaks of home and history, of survival and creativity. From the ancient salt pits of China to the smoky grills of modern America, bacon has journeyed far and wide, adapting and thriving, but always remaining a cherished constant.

So, the next time you hear the sizzle and pop of bacon in a pan, take a moment to savor not just the flavor but the history, the culture, and the simple joy that this humble slice of pork brings to the world.  For me it conjures up images a smoke house, the smell of animals in the yard from childhood, and cracklings from when my mother would make a pork roast.  She was quite the cook.

Post by Gerald
A man of many hats. I've always been driven by creativity and innovation. Growing up and traveling on multiple continents, I've developed a global perspective. Having worked with wood from my teenage years till now, I have a deep love for wood and the stories it tells. As a woodworker and designer, binging ideas to life is what I enjoy the most, combining technical skills with artistic flair. Working in the kitchen is very similar to working in the wood shop, just with different tools and a different media. Plus the fruits of your labor are immediately gratifying. Whether creating in the workshop, the kitchen, or the garden, my soul is most alive in the creation of new things.


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