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CHECK IT OUT:  Even charcuterie has a PAST--find out where charcuterie came from.

About us

We are a lifestyle brand for living a life full of nature and relationships

FDiana in Garden

Finding my way...

Having moved to a very small island in a foreign country when I was just 2, then moving back to the US and living in one of the biggest bustling cities in the States as a young adult, to now living in a beautiful coastal town near the mountains, I can safely say that I am drawn to a life with lots of fresh air.  I am happiest outside in the garden, reading or planting...or just being in the 'right now'. 

Having been in the corporate world as an Engineer, climbing the ladders, enjoying the city hustle and bustle... I realized it was too surface-level—it did not feed my soul. My experience has led me to embrace a different way of life—one close enough to the bustle to still enjoy its perks, but also has the space to dive deeper and connect with what's real.

In addition to being a career go-getter, I have 30 years of experience being a mom (most of whom have left the nest, as well as one still in the midst)... and they have taught me so much about how to involve children in daily life—how to give them the best opportunities to thrive and grow.  As any parent knows, it is an ever-changing landscape.

I started on the journey to Vistal after leaving an industrial design firm to try my hand at something completely new.  I am a constant learner, an avid researcher, and love digging deep into subjects.  Vistal has become a way to create a community of folks who see things a little differently...are looking to question and grow and find validation and encouragement along the way.  


We need a connection with nature daily. Living in the Pacific Northwest (they say) makes it a little more difficult because the weather can be dreary and cold.  I personally find the blankets of clouds more like a cozy duvet wrapped around me and the wet a refreshing cleanse. We make an effort to go outside regardless.  Our bodies adjust as the season changes.  Not quite the tropics of my youth, but our bodies are very resilient. 

Raising a second set of kiddos, I find that I have learned and evolved—I have a much more relaxed attitude towards my children and a bigger capacity for letting them show me the little joys.  I have seen the phases come and go, and know more about what they really need to become the best version of themselves.  We give them responsibilities and let them feel the natural consequences—both good and bad.  In a world of helicopter parents and newer parenting styles, I feel like the odd one out most times.  But then I look at my kids, from my oldest down to my youngest, and I know...they are stronger and happier for it.

Kids in nature
Entertaining outside


Someone once told me: food means love. And it's kind of true. We make almost all our meals at home and stick with natural whole foods (aka ingredients you can pronounce). I am always looking for the best way to nourish my loved ones in ways that are both good for them and they enjoy.

Connecting with friends and family is very important to me and is what really drives me in my daily life.  As an introvert, I need my alone time but this just gives me fuel to keep going. 

We also try and make sure there are lots of natural elements in our home, from plants to wood and stone.  I think there is something in the randomness of nature that grounds us and feeds our soul.  It is the little imperfections that give life.

Product Development in Shop
Shopping for Cheese
Herbs on the charcuterie board
Gathering at night with kids
Brussel sprouts with bacon
Diana and Ger
Kids in the shop
Charcuterie board for Vistal
Home made ground meat
Kids baking and eating pie
Diana in her happy place

Our team

The people behind the scenes making things happen.

Diona about-LR

Diana Dillman

CEO and Founder

The Heart and Soul of Vistal.  Having traveled and had many lives, her happy place is in the garden surrounded by life.

Ger in shop-2

Gerald Guidroz

Chief Operating Officer

The hands that bring too life the ideas that are started in the heart.  Having circled the globe many times, home is where he finds peace.  Can make any idea a reality.

Explore the depths of what truly resonates with you

Get inspired with in-depth articles on flowers, cheese and raising kids.